The Yak-Camel Foundation was founded in 1992 by Prof. h.c. mult. Dr. Dr. Jürgen H. Lensch (1925-2011)
It is a sentential foundation of the German civil law and is based in D-25361 KREMPE / Holstein.
The object of the foundation is the advancement of science.
Focal points of the foundation are among other things: 1. Awarding of research grants 2. Awarding of research projects 3. Awarding of doctoral candidate grants The foundation is altruistic, with a solely and directly nonprofit-making objective. Board of Directors Prof. Dr. Georg Erhardt (chairman) D-35415 Pohlheim Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Heiner Niemann (vice chairman) D- 31535 Neustadt Dr. Thorsten Schack-Friedrichs (treasurer) D-28211 Bremen PD Dr. Pamela Burger (secretary) Prof. e.h. Dr. Horst Geilhausen D-51429 Bergisch Gladbach D-31535 Neustadt/Mariensee Prof. Dr. Claudia Klein D-31535 Neustadt/Mariensee Prof. Dr. Eva Schlecht Prof. Dr. Jianping Wu, (associate member) Lanzhou, Gansu, China
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